We will help build Jay-Z’s media empire for example, so he can bring money to Brooklyn( his home town). We have great rock, rap and gospel artists that you don’t support in your towns. Why do artists go to NYC or ATL? They get more support from there, then they get in their local markets. Why was Stax and Motown so powerful in the music business? They helped local artists become household names while putting the business to music. Their core fan base was the local markets. The music, show and look was based off the local market until it went national.
I challenge every person to buy local music.
This includes the artists also.
Tell a friend about the new artist you found. Put your favorite artist poster on the wall… lol, but buy the mech(shirts, hat and whatever else) from that artists. Come to his concerts or showcase…
$1 – 4 dollars a month a person to build a market in your area…
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